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Ungido SS

Ungido SS is our gorgeous 2013 PRE stallion by Elegido LXIII and out of Heroica XX. Ungido joined our barn in 2018, and we quickly realized how talented he is. Trained in dressage, he is truly an eye-catching horse in the arena. From his thick black mane to his beautiful gray dapples, he is one you can’t miss as he moves around the arena or pasture. Ungido has a very inquisitive personality and loves to be the center of attention. We are expecting two foals by him in 2020: an Andalusian foal out of our mare Celina, and a Warlander foal out of our Model mare Sybrich. We can’t wait to find out just how much of his talent and beauty he passes on to his babies.
Argentino VII
Elegido LXIII
Ungido SS
Chino II
Heroica XX
Campera XXIX
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